Armor can be looted from containers or purchased from merchants. You could always do bring down the sky and ask for quarian colossus armor. Trying to find colossus armor in mass effect can be difficult, and arguably is the hardest armor to find. Delan (hanar merchant on the citadel) and morlan (salarian) have a better chance at dropping a quarian armor because of their section (armor for aliens). New To Mass Effect And Just Finished Me 1 I Loved It Here Is My End Game Squad Can T Wait To Start Me 2 Masseffect from i. Hover the dialog cursor on tali then type the command. Of course, colossus can be hard to acquire, due to this check any armor that can provide the highest protection stat. However, tali has the most stylish version of the outfit. If you land somewhere (say the citadel or noveria), you can find the merchant you need and before talking to. When you finish mass effect le and realise me4 is probably years away. I spent all of my 50's looking for quarian colossus x armor for tali, as soon as i hit level 60 and finished my current mission i open my inventory and lo and behold there it was. If that's something you want for yourself (if you need it, it could be handy for an adept), get it. Quarian armor is worn by quarians in mass effect. The last thing that i suggest is quarian machinist. At its base, it offers damage reduction, where damage is counted as normal but then a certain amount of the damage is not applied. Mass Effect Quarian Colossus Armor / Psa There Are Really Cool Secret Armors In Mass Effect 1 You Can Unlock With Console Commands Pc Only Masseffect.