Next to the gate is a long fence containing 10,000 Volts.

The Main gate is the first thing you will see as you go into the Tour of Jurassic Park. State of the art technology delivers an experience like no other as you visit the actual labs and hatchery where the animals of the park are created and born! The visitor center also offers fine dining at the restaurant Les Gigantes and don’t forget to visit the gift shop! They are a reminder of a past where we could only look at the bones of the now living, breathing creatures of Jurassic Park. The central rotunda displays the fossilized remains of creatures we have brought back from extinction through the science of genetic engineering. The map includes the Visitor Center, the main gate, helicopter pads, the harbour and most of the main dinosaurs.Īt the heart of Jurassic Park, the multi-level visitor center is where you’ll begin your prehistoric adventure. I’m checking in soon with more updates.The map on the right hand side is a map of the Jurassic Park. imprinted) in Mudbox, and was polished (and still not finished) in UE4 editor. The map is a hybrid: the individual mountains were created in WorldMachine, then they were put together (a.k.a. Here’s a reference image for those who are not familiar with the island: It’s 02:44 am at this moment, I’ve been working on the map for about… let’s see… 16-17 hours today. (Yesterday’s stream was really helpful, thanks for it guys!) Only switched to UE4 about 4-5 months ago, so I’m kinda newby in many aspects. Now, I wouldn’t call myself such a great modder. Your objective is to stay alive, either in a group, or on your own, until the rescue comes. Until the dinos broke loose, and started feeding themselves with people’s hands. You were just a casual tourist, who came to feed stegos from hand, and eat popcorn while driving between the legs of brontos. The story is set around the new movie: Jurassic Park has been rebuilt and re-opened. But loot is not the only thing that spawns there. All of the building are enterable, you can walk around in them, check every thrash can and locker to find some food, clothes, flashlights or other electronics.

The map will have the famous and historic buildings (even the Jurassic Park gate, woohoo), and buildings from the new movie Jurassic World, and will also feature new ones. The game mode is the same: survive, make a tribe, build, craft, loot, raid repeat. The whole island of Jurassic Park (Isla Nublar) Ark-ized.

Currently I’m working on something, that (hopefully) will excite a few people. Hey everyone! My name is Norbert Gardonyi.