Of course, as soon as you enter the garden the gate closes and you’re screwed. It’s always wise to start with something short and simple - your car dies at the gates of some mysterious mansion, you don’t have a cellphone so you’re left with asking for help. Source engine makes the environments and surroundings in Gmod very… eerie? Leaves you with the paranoia of something popping up in your face at any second, thus combining this with horror maps made by the Gmod community makes quite a deadly concoction of tears and soiled pants. God knows I had to change my diaper after playing some of these maps - I’d like to introduce you guys and gals to extremely spooky, horror maps in Gmod. It's gotten so popular that Garry currently has a VR-focused sequel/spiritual successor in the works, called s&box.What are the top-notch horror maps that will make you cry?
Make machinima with said ragdolls and props (like countless other people including RubberFruit, DasBoSchitt, SMG4, the late Kitty0706, and many others have done).Pose ragdolls and props from the aforementioned Source games, in addition to ones other people have either created themselves or ported from other sources.

Explore various maps, whether they be ones made by other people or maps from various Source games ( Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike: Source, Team Fortress 2, Portal, etc.).Build contraptions using various parts.This leaves you, the player, to do whatever you want in it with almost every single thing imaginable, including, but not limited to: What makes Garry's Mod stand out from other sandbox games is that the game is extremely ambitious and does not have any predetermined objectives.