It can be looted off an alien, who is found inside a cave next to a UFO that crashed from the sky.
Hub's Alien Blaster - A special variant of the alien blaster pistol given by Dara Hubbell with the Lucky legendary effect. The slow travel time of the projectiles also hit grenades in the VATS better than energy weapons with faster projectile speed as those fire too early and miss the grenade, while the slower blaster bolts hit the grenade at the right time. and close-range combat, due to its low AP cost, good accuracy, good DPS and great range (with the perk Gunslinger applied for the latter two). The alien blaster pistol, however, is not a bad weapon to use in V.A.T.S. The game treats this gun as if it is silenced for detection, but does not confer the skill-based boosts to damage for a silenced weapon from Mister Sandman or other sources. The downside to this weapon is its large shot size and slow projectile speed - these can lead to shots missing or clipping cover where a normal round would have gone through. This reduces the damage by two points, but extends the battery size and allows for continued use of the weapon once its standard ammo cells are depleted. With maximum levels in Science! this weapon can be modified to run using fusion cells. It fires blue bolts of energy and deals 50 damage without any pistol perks. The gun is very futuristic in appearance, with a chrome and red paint job.